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B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical Engineers are involved with just about every engineered product that we use in today's world – transportation systems, electronics and computers, energy systems, bio-medical devices, robots, and much more.


Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics, mathematics and materials science for design, analysis, prototyping, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Mechanical engineering deals with the conversion of thermal energy to mechanical power and the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.

The mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like Computer-Aided Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management to design and analyse manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more.

Mechanical Engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology. Mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in fields such as composites, mechatronics and micro & nano-technology. Mechanical Engineering overlaps with aerospace, civil, electrical, petroleum and chemical engineering domains to varying amounts.

There is tremendous scope for mechanical engineers in automobile engineering, aeronautical, steel, power, heavy engineering, manufacturing, mining, petroleum and cement industries besides process industries and defence. Now-a-days they are also required in the environmental and biomedical fields. There are exciting times ahead for mechanical engineers as transport technologies like Hyperloop, electric vehicles, flying cars, drone technologies, an intelligent system like robots and additive manufacturing including 3D printing are gaining importance.

A beginner in Mechanical Engineering can opt for various job openings such as Design Engineer, CAE Analyst, Shop Floor Engineer, Production Planning, Quality Assurance, Maintenance Engineer, Safety Engineer, Production Supervisor/Engineer, R&D Trainee, etc.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at DSU offers B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, an undergraduate programme to create motivated, innovative and creative graduates to fill the roles of Mechanical Engineers who can conceptualize, design, analyse, develop and produce Mechanical Systems to meet the modern day requirements.

The B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering curriculum developed by the faculty of Department of Mechanical Engineering, is outcome based and comprises required theoretical concepts and practical skills in the domain. By undergoing this programme, students develop problem-solving abilities for a smooth transition from academic to a real-life work environment. In addition, students are trained in interdisciplinary topics and attitudinal skills to enhance their scope. The above-mentioned features of the programme, advanced teaching, and learning resources, and experience of the faculty members with their strong connections with the manufacturing sector makes this programme unique.


Be a nationally recognized center of Excellence in Mechanical Engineering that attracts, rewards, and retains outstanding faculty, students where teaching, learning and research synergize.


  • To educate, prepare, inspire, and mentor students to excel as professionals.
  • Providing the facilities and environment conducive to a high quality education, well grounding the students in the fundamental principle of engineering and preparing them for diverse careers.
  • Introduce students to Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and contribute to technology.



  • DSU Main Campus:
  • Devarakaggalahalli, Harohalli,
    Kanakapura Road, Ramanagara Dt.,
    Bengaluru – 562 112
    E-mail: admissions@dsu.edu.in

  • DSU City Innovation Campus:
  • Administrative & Main Admission office,
    Kudlu Gate, Hosur Road,
    Bengaluru - 560 068
    Admissions Helpline: 080 46461800 / 080 49092800
    E-mail: admissions@dsu.edu.in | dsat@dsu.edu.in
  • Office of Registrar: 080 4909 2910 / 11
    Office of Dean (Engineering): +91 80 4909 2986 / 32 / 33
    Dean - MBA: 080 4909 2931
    Enquiry EMBA: 080 4909 2930
    Research Cell: 080 4909 2912

  • DSU City Admissions Office:
  • Gate 2, 6th Floor, University Building,
    Dental Block, Kumaraswamy Layout,
    Bengaluru - 560111
    Admissions Helpline: 080 46461800 / 080 49092800
  • E-mail: enquiry@dsu.edu.in / admissions@dsu.edu.in