Programs Offered
1. B.Tech – Mechanical Engineering
Graduates in Mechanical engineering will be able to:
- Design, manufacture and evaluate mechanical components & systems using conventional and modern IT tools.
- Apply the knowledge of Mechanical engineering to solve pivotal problems of technological relevance and to assess its social impact.
- Work effectively in core mechanical and/or multi-disciplinary projects.
- Develop skills to adapt to the latest technological advances and to gain knowledge /skills through higher education and research.
After undergoing this programme, a student will have:
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and Engineering fundamentals to solve complex problems in mechanical engineering.
- Ability to analyse mechanical engineering problems, interpret data and arrive at meaningful conclusions involving mathematical inferences.
- Ability to design an mechanical engineering system, component, or process to meet desired needs considering public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Ability to understand and solve complex mechanical engineering problems by conducting experimental investigations.
- Ability to apply appropriate tools and techniques and understand utilization of resources appropriately to complex mechanical engineering activities.
- Ability to understand the effect of engineering solutions on legal, cultural, social and public health and safety aspects.
- Ability to develop sustainable solutions and understand their effect on society and environment.
- Ability to apply ethical principles to engineering practices and professional responsibilities.
- Ability to work as a member of a team, to plan and to integrate knowledge of various engineering disciplines and to lead teams in multidisciplinary settings.
- Ability to make effective oral presentations and communicate technical ideas to abroad audience using written and oral means.
- Ability to lead and manage multidisciplinary teams by applying engineering and management principles.
- Ability to adapt to the changes and advancements in technology and engage in independent and life-long learning.
After successful completion of Mechanical Engineering program, the graduates will be able to:
- Develop and implement new ideas on product design and development with the help of modern computer aided tools, while ensuring best manufacturing practices.
- Apply engineering knowledge and design & analysis tools to solve problems in the domains of structural, thermal and fluid mechanics.
- Develop Composite Materials, Manufacturing processes and products in an efficient, safe and cost effective manner.
2. B.VOC – Tool Engineering in collaboration with NTTF
Graduates in Mechanical engineering will be able to:
- Design and fabricate press tool, injection mould and diecasting required for Mechanical industries
- Work as CAD/CAM & CAE and automation engineers, achieve proficiency in the area of cutting tool, jigs & fixtures and gauges
- Apply GD&T techniques for tool engineering applications
- Exhibit leadership capability, triggering social and economic commitment and inculcate community services to protect environment.
After undergoing this programme, a student will have:
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and Engineering fundamentals to solve complex problems in manufacturing engineering
- Ability interpret data and arrive at meaningful conclusions
- Ability to design a tooling system, component, or process to meet desired needs considering public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
- Ability to understand and solve complex tool design problems
- Ability to apply appropriate tools and techniques and understand utilization of resources appropriately to complex machining activities
- Ability to understand the effect of engineering solutions on legal, cultural, social and public health and safety aspects
- Ability to develop sustainable solutions and understand their effect on society and environment
- Ability to apply ethical principles to engineering practices and professional responsibilities
- Ability to work as a member of a team, to plan and to integrate knowledge of various engineering disciplines and to lead teams in multidisciplinary settings
- Ability to make effective oral presentations and communicate technical ideas to abroad audience using written and oral means
- Ability to lead and manage multidisciplinary teams by applying engineering and management principles
- Ability to adapt to the changes and advancements in technology and engage in independent and life-long learning
After successful completion of Mechanical Engineering program, the graduates will be able to:
- Develop and implement innovative ideas on tool design using advanced computer aided tools, while ensuring best manufacturing practice
- Develop tooling Materials, manufacturing processes and products in an efficient, safe and cost-effective manner
- Analyze different injection molds/ press tools using mold flow plastic insight
3. BVOC – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technologies in collaboration with Strides Pharma
Graduates in Mechanical engineering will be able to:
- Impart manufacturing skills and vocational pharma skills adequately supported with augmented basic and working knowledge of pharmaceutical formulations and synthetic pharma products.
- prepare students and on the job trainee employees in theoretical and practical concepts of pharma manufacturing operations, drug properties, pharmaceutical chemistry, basics of regulatory and good manufacturing practices, occupational hazards, health and safety principles, basic production machines and mechanical engineering, sanitation, natural and environmental science studies.
- prepare with better communicative skills in English language, teamwork skills and be able to pursue in the vocation of pharmacy and health sectors with a multidisciplinary approaches.
- assess prospects and consequences including benefits and deficiencies with respect to issues related to pharmaceutical manufacturing technology used in pharma industry.
- equip with importance of ethical valuees, ability to relate issues in pharmaceutical manufacturing profession.
After undergoing this programme, a student will have:
- Ability to Identify the rules and regulations involved in the drug manufacturing, distribution and sale of medicines.
- Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basic pharmaceutical & manufacturing sciences and the ability to acquire, manage and use the required information for problem solving & management
- Ability to develop problem-based learning approach and analytical thinking in academic and professional life.
- Ability to exercise ethical practices and moral values in professional endeavors
- Ability to demonstrate the ability to plan and implement professional activities, planning abilities which includes time & resource management, delegation and organizational skills.
- Ability to achieve adequate knowledge and skills, so that they become work ready at each exit point of the choosen programme
- Ability to imbibe the skills of scientific communication, research writing, presentation documentation and manufacturing methods
- Ability to develop interdisciplinary research with health care communities and to provide innovative solutions for sustainable, societal and environmental aspects.
After successful completion of Mechanical Engineering program, the graduates will be able to:
- ensure that they have adequate knowledge and skills, so that they are work ready at each skill level of the programme.
- modernize the technical knowledge & skill activities related to pharmaceutical & manufacturing.
- innovate, research and development for the cost effective production and gain jobs in each exit point of the choosen programme.
- Act efficiently and inculcate leadership and entrepreneurship capabilities in the diverse areas of the profession.
- demonstrate personal behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles
4. M.Tech – Design Engineering
Graduates in Mechanical engineering will be able to:
- Design machines, components, and processes to fulfill desired specifications and constraints
- Apply design engineering principles and concepts to create high-quality designs that meet industry needs
- Analyze and solve practical problems in industry and society using modern engineering technologies
After undergoing this programme, a student will have:
- Ability to demonstrate sound domain knowledge from a wider perspective to become successful professionals.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve mechanical design problems.
- Ability to conceptualize the design aspects and evaluate them to select optimal feasible solutions considering safety, environment, and other realistic constraints.
- Ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems related to mechanical design.
- Ability to perform in multidisciplinary teams with sound interpersonal and management skills with a commitment to lifelong learning
- Ability to demonstrate research skills to critically analyze complex mechanical design problems for synthesizing new and existing information for their solutions
- Ability to demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software, and equipment to analyze and solve complex engineering problems.
- Ability to exhibit the traits of professional integrity and ethics and demonstrate the responsibility to implement the research outcome for sustainable development of the society.
- Ability to communicate effectively to comprehend and write effective reports following engineering standards.
- Ability to use modern tools for the design and analysis of static and dynamic systems and mechanisms
- Ability to demonstrate the skill of a good researcher to work on a problem, starting from scratch, to research into literature, methodologies, techniques, tools, and conduct experiments and interpret data.
- Ability to exhibit the traits of good academicians and engage in independent and reflective lifelong learning.
After successful completion of Mechanical Engineering program, the graduates will be able to:
- Select appropriate material for manufacturing machine components for engineering application
- Carryout modeling and simulation using advanced software like CATIA, ANSYS, MATLAB and FUSION 360
- Design and analyze mechanical component used as a structural member and also carry out vibrational analysis
5. Ph.D