Manager - Centre of Competence for Industrial Automation Technologies,
Bosch Rexroth Innovation Lab – School Of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar UniversityMs. K. Sudha Deepthi has obtained her M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering from JNTU, Hyderabad (IARE,DUNDIGAL) and B. Tech., in Mechanical Engineering from JNTU, Ananthapur. She has worked as Project Assistant in DRDL (Defense Research & Development Laboratory) in the area of Missiles, developed MATLAB coding for Air to Air missile optimizing its Trajectory for AGNI Missile in DRDL Hyderabad. She has Worked as “Assistant Professor” in Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Institute of Aeronautical Engineering College and also in Mallareddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad. She has also guided Projects from UG to PG Level in ANSYS, CATIA, and MATLAB. She also Conducted workshop on “AVIONICS SYSTEMS” in collaborating with Aeronautical Society of India in Mallareddy College of Engineering & Technology and was the main Faculty Coordinator.
She Worked as Lecturer in JNTUHCEH in Department of Mechanical Engineering. which has a collaborative course on Aviation Engineering. She Started an Initiative of Setting up of lab – Centre of Excellence for Automation Technologies in Collaboration of Rexroth Bosch, Germany with JNTU Hyderabad. She was trained & certified as” CERTIFIED TRAINER” from BOSCH REXROTH Group, Bangalore in JNUTCEH -2104, and also she conducted various Certified Training courses in Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Robotics, Mechatronics, Sensors, Programmable Logic Controllers and Drives, Control. She actively coordinated and conducted Workshops for students on “Aviation”, as well as Faculty Development Program on “Automation Technologies” in JNTUCEH. She was also active member in carrying out RASHTRIYA UCHCHATAR SHIKSH AABHIYAN (RUSA) Project – A National Higher Education Mission, Dept. of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of INDIA in JNTU, Hyderabad, 2014-2015. Before Joining DSU she has 5 years of experience including Teaching, Industrial & Administration. Her present work experience in DSU is 7 years.
She is Presently working as Manager in Bosch Rexroth Innovation Lab – Dayananda Sagar University Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
She Conducted Faculty Development Programs, Various Certification Courses, Internship Programs, guided many projects in Industrial Automation (Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sensors Programmable Logic Controller, Industry 4.0) in Dayananda Sagar University and presently she is conducting the same. She took an Initiative of leading NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon to DSU-SOE in 2018 and was Active Local Lead for NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon in DSU during 2020 till date. She was also the Media Coordinator for Smart India Hackathon conducted in DSU - 2018 She has 7 publications in National & International conferences. Working as Manager – Bosch Rexroth Innovation Lab, additionally, she is also working as “Part-time Incubation Manager” in AIC-DSU Innovation Foundation at Dayananda Sagar university. She is pursuing Ph.D. in Department of Mechanical Engineering in Dayananda Sagar University.
She is a life-time Associate Member of Aeronautical Society of India, student (Research Scholar) member of IEEE Bangalore Section and also a Professional Member of Institute of Scholars.