National Conference on Advances & Innovations in Biotechnology
School of Basic and Applied Sciences (SBAS), DSU and Department of Biotechnology, DSCE jointly organizes National conference on Advances & Innovations in Biotechnology: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food, Health, Environmental and Energy Issues by DSU & DSCE in association with Society for Biotechnologists India (SBTI) and Annual Meet of Society for Biotechnologists.
The National conference, a premier forum for presentation of new advances and research results in the field of biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, neurobiology, pharmacy, food science, specialty chemicals, sustainable development program, drug discovery, therapeutics, environmental and energy issues with a focus on the real time problems.
Objective of the Conference - To provide a platform for students, researchers, academicians and industry professionals to deliberate on the latest ideas, practical experiences, research results, innovation, and their applications in the field of biotechnology.
Call for abstracts and papers
The interested academicians, scientists, industry personnel, research scholars and students are invited to present papers on the themes mentioned below. Abstract (not exceeding 250 words) shall reach the organizing secretaries on or before 16th October 2018 by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Themes for paper presentation:
- Biofuels & Bioenergy
- Cancer Biology
- Computational & Structural Biology
- Diagnostics & therapeutics
- Drug design & discovery
- Environmental solutions & sustainability
- Food augmentation & innovative foods
- Herbal drugs & integrative medicines
- Infections & noncommunicable diseases
- Interdisciplinary life sciences
- Metabolites of industrial importance
- Microbial and plant genomics, proteomics & metabolomics
- Microbial / Plant / Animal Biotechnology
- Neuroscience / Neuroendocrinology
- Specialty products
SBTI Awards
The best paper presentation and poster presentation will be awarded with cash prizes, certificates and brass plaques.
- Padmabhushan Professor M. V. Pylee
Lifetime Achievement Award for a distinguished senior scientist in the country. - Dr. C. S. Paulose Memorial Oration
Award for a distinguished & eminent Neurobiologist. SBTI has instituted six awards to Young Researchers for best oral presentations in various subject areas. The award carries a certificate, brass plaque and a cash prize of ` 1000- KAPL Award
Awarded for best original paper presentation (oral) in Industrial Biotechnology. - IBS Award
This will be awarded to the best original paper (oral) presentation in Medical Biotechnology /application of software technologies in medicine. - Shri. C. V. Jacob Award
This will be awarded to the best original paper presentation in Plant Biotechnology/ spices. - Shri. K. N. Narasimhiah Award
This will be awarded to the best original paper presentation (oral) in cancer biology. - Kunnath Pharmaceuticals Award
This will be awarded to the best original paper presentation (oral) in Herbal medicine and disease management. - Prof. Edathil Vijayan Award
This will be awarded to the best original paper presentation (oral) in Neuroscience or Neuroendocrinology.
- KAPL Award
- Dayananda Sagar Institution Award
Two awards for best poster presentation for their project work in B.E., B.Sc., M.Sc. Program
Delegate Registration Fee
- Industry Delegates -1000.00 INR
- Academicians and Scientists-500.00 INR
- Research Scholars- 500.00 INR
- Accompanying persons-400.00 INR
- Students-300.00 INR
The registration fee for the conference is to be paid in form of Demand Draft in favour of "Dayananda Sagar University” payable at Bengaluru. Registration forms along with fee should reach the organizing secretaries on or before 22.10.2018*.
Link to download Brochure & Registration Form.
Date :
15th & 16th November 2018
Premachandra Sagar Auditorium
Dayananda Sagar Institutions
Shavige Malleshwara Hills
Kumaraswamy Layout
Bangalore - 78
Phone – +91-80-42161772