News and Events

This year, Dayananda Sagar University has renewed its Memorandum of Understanding with the Bosch-Rexroth Innovation lab, upgraded to Industry 4.0.
Webinar on “Unlock your Creativity”.

Dayananda Sagar University-School of Journalism and Mass Communication brings to you a webinar on “Unlock your Creativity”. Join us and participate to interact with our eminent speakers Rakesh S Katarey, Dean, College of Journalism & Mass Communication and Professor Jayanth Kodkani, Deputy Editor ToI, Namita Koshy, Vice President at Ogilvy India and Manasi K G, Digital Media Expert.
Time (IST): 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM followed with 15 minutes Q&A.
Date: On Saturday, 27 June 2020.
Register here:
For Registrations & queries, please call or email to:
Mr. Shakath Ali | +91 9986898987 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Hemanth Kumar | +91 6366885507 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Understanding National Security Challenges for Defence Journalism Practice

The proposed two-day seminar-cum-workshop will feature the most decorated army, navy and air force officers who will provide an overview of India’s national security challenges from the perspective of each of the Indian defence wings and the preparedness of its forces on land, air and the sea.
Media Literacy Project at Alpine - January 2020
CJMC conducted a workshop on detecting fake news for students of Alpine Public School and PU College. Over 75 students and faculty members attended the workshop.
Rakesh Katarey, Dean, CJMC and RenukaPhadnis, a certified Google News Initiative Trainer conducted the workshop as part of CJMC’s Media Literacy Project (MLP).
“The Kantar-IMRB’s ICUBE report estimates India to have at least 627 million internet users today. The proliferation of fake news through social media platforms too has matched this unprecedented growth,” Prof. Rakesh said.
“Photoshopped images, doctored videos and images, and videos taken out of context have gone viral over WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In turn, they have had pernicious effects on the fabric of Indian democracy, opening the fault lines and leading to communal clashes, lynching and murders”.
Earlier media had a role in cross-checking the information flowing to its readers. But with news coming from anybody and anywhere, there is no accountability. Under the circumstances, there is a need for citizens themselves to become aware, vigilant and media literate.
The Media Literacy Workshop is being undertaken in schools across Bengaluru. It is ideal for pre-university students, who are at an age when they are most likely to buy their first mobile phones.
“It is important that the younger generation, view every message, post or forward they get with a healthy dose of scepticism, verify the news and information they receive and trace it to the source so as to stand by the truth and not fulfil the intentions of the creators of fake news,” said RenukaPhadnis, Assistant Professor and GNI trainer.
The workshop showcased several examples of fake news and its consequences. But central to the workshop was creating awareness about tracing the fake information back to the sources and learning new techniques of fact-checking.
“This has become the new and necessary common sense in the information-led 21st century,” said MsPhadnis.
Following the training, students were given videos to identify the real from the fake using the methods learnt during the workshop.
The Principal of Alpine School and PU College thanked the professors for bringing the workshop to their institution.
Students win Accolades - January 2020

Kripakar Jay and Vivek Santhosh came Second in Director’s Cut, a competition held at Jain University held on January 9. They had to make a short film in 24 hours.

Abhinav A Dinesh from Third Year, BA (Journalism and Mass Communication) and Sanjana B from Second Year secured Second place in a quiz held as part of Turas, St Josephs College of Commerce Fest 2020.
Workshop on “Catchline Writing Techniques” - January 2020

Well known writer, journalist and playwright, CharumathiSupraja conducted a “Workshop on Catchline-Writing Techniques” on January 18, 2020.
Ms. Supraja’s. work has been published in India Smiles (Penguin, 2006), 50 Writers 50 Books (Collins, 2013) and I dine sko/In Your Shoes (Norwegian, English and Hindi; BokvennanForlag, 2014).
In the workshop at CJMC, CharumathiSupraja spoke to the students about the need for creativity in communication for journalism students. In a fast-changing world with ‘causes’ ranging from environment to politics, people want to express themselves in different ways and want to get the attention of others as well as that of the powers that be. This requires the skill of writing creatively.
“As citizens, we are forced to ponder about the changes that we are not only witnessing but area part of. We think about them, we also want to speak about them”, she said. The workshop addressed issues of activism and participation, and it trained students on how to articulate our thoughts on issues, wherein it takes courage to get into public space. Therefore, students were taught how to write to get the attention of others.
The workshop ended with students creating slogans within minutes. They were given a series of ideas to choose from. The students divided into groups and each group created more than one slogan.
National Seminar-Cum-Workshop on Understanding National Security Challenges for Defence Journalism Practice - January 2020

CJMC organized a National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Understanding National Security Challenges for Defence Journalism Practice, a two-day event on January 29 & 30, 2020.
The seminar-cum-workshop featured the most decorated army, navy and air force officers who provided an overview of India’s national security challenges from the perspective of each of the Indian defence wings and the preparedness of its forces on land, air and the sea.
The objective of the seminar-cum-workshop was to increase the understanding among young journalists of the current and emerging national security challenges so that they report about the issues with a deeper wider and critical understanding of the events pertaining to national security that emerge.
The speakers were Commodore B.R. Prakash from Navy, Col. Manjit Singh from Army, Dr. BidandaChengappa, Senior Journalist, Defence and Strategic Affairs, Aksheev Thakur, a defencecorrespondent with a newspaper based out of Bangalore and Harsh Vardhan Thakur, Group Captain, IAF and Experimental Test Pilot, HAL.
Students and Faculty members from Jain, Christ, Bangalore University, Osmania University,Bharathiar University and many colleges of Karnataka attended the seminar-cum-workshop, which received good coverage in media including in The Hindu, HosaDigantha, EeSanje and several on the Net.
CJMC Students visit VidhanSoudha - February 2020

At CJMC, students have continual exposure to the world outside. Taking them beyond classroom teaching acquaints them with real-life scenarios. As students of journalism and mass communication, getting an idea of how the state’s legislature functions was an important part of helping students broaden their horizons. On 17 February, students of Second Year along with faculty member RenukaPhadnis and Vishalakshi visited VidhanSoudha. They sat through sessions of the Vidhan Sabha and the VidhanParishath. The students got a fair idea of how the Upper and Lower House work.
CJMC Students at Cakewala, an Industry Visit for Digital Media - February 2020
CJMC students visited Cakewala, a GSR group brand, on 24 February. This was an industry tour and part of Digital Media. The aim of the visit was to get students to understand the impact of social media in creating a brand in the retail hospitality industry. The students met members of the management at Cakewala from whose management they got to know how the brand was built by working in alignment with the vision, mission and philosophy of the company. The students also discussed the impact of social media on the brand.
Students win at Inter-College Events - February 2020
Our students continued to present notableperformances at inter-college events. Qazi Hamza Irfan, Second Year, CJMC, finished at Third place in the elocution held at Rhetoric 2020 held in St Joseph’s College, Bengaluru. The theme was “Constitution”. Hamza delivered a speech on “Religion: Proof of citizenship?”
Students from College of Journalism and Mass Communication, DSU, attended Vrittanta 2020, a media festival held in Presidency College, Bengaluru, on 27 and 28 February 2020 and bagged the 1st prize in two events and secured 3rd prize in another event with a contingent of only six students.
Aprameya R, a Final Year student, was placed 1st in the photography competition. In appreciation, the organising committee of the festival displayed the photo taken by Aprameyaon the stage during the closing ceremony.
Aprameya also secured 1st place in Escape Room, a riddle-based event, along with Rima Koley, M.Asif, Sunil K and Satwik Gupta. They are all students of Final Year.
Abhinav A Dinesh, from Third Year, secured 3rd place in the Caption Writing competition.
With a total of six students, the contingent from CJMC was the smallest among the 14 participating colleges. Yet the students managed to not only participate in nearly every event the festival had to offer but also reached the final round in most. Of the six members, Sathwik and Sunil had to leave early because of a family emergency.
The other colleges that participated were Jain CMS, Jain Jayanagar, KristuJayanthi, MSR IT and many more with an average size of 20 students in their contingents.