One Day Workshop On Case Study Pedagogy
The Case study work shop was organized with the following objectives:
To understand the use of Case Studies as a pedagogical tool;
- Case Teaching- focussing on student learning outcomes-preparing for case classes;
- Case writing & development by faculty;
- Assessment methodologies.
- Sources of accessing and hosting cases.
The target audience was Faculty members from Dayananda Sagar University and from other institutions who were invited to attend the session.
The session began with a Welcome Address delivered by Dr.Anupama Ghoshal followed by the session facilitated by the resource person, Prof.Bharti S Gopal and ending with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Dr.Deepanjana Varshney. Dr.Punith Cariappa, Dean-SCMS thanked Prof.Bharti for her enlightening session and handed over a floral bouquet as a gesture of appreciation to the Resource Person of the workshop. The Guest was also invited to the Dean’s office and requested to share her experience in the Visitor’s Diary in SCMS office.
Prof.Bharti began the session and covered all the objectives planned for the session. The resource person kept the session informative by sharing case teaching concepts, tools & methodologies that faculty members can use in their classes. She shared the manner by which student learning outcomes could be effectively mapped from the course curriculum of subjects. She shared how case maps can be used and discussed the manner of facilitating a case session in a class. The importance of teaching notes was highlighted by Prof.Bharti both for making case teaching effective and the area to be focussed when writing cases. The resources to be accessed for case selections was also discussed with the audience. Prof.Bharti kept the session interactive with the audience by encouraging questions and clarifications. Details of case writing was discussed and distinction between article writing and case writing was highlighted and was concluded by encouraging Faculty members to write and publish their own cases.
Resource Person: Prof.Bharthi S Gopal
Organised by: Dr. Anupama Ghoshal,
Dr. Deepanjana Varshney
Date: 22nd March, 2019
Dayananda Sagar University
Shavige Malleshwara Hills,
1st Stage, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru-560078.