National Talent Search - 2019
Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) provided an opportunity for Class 9-12 students from schools across the country to be trained by mentors in various laboratories set up by industry partners of DSU on campus or by a DSU faculty member, as part of a Talent Search programme from November 12 to 14 at the university campus on Hosur Road. Participants had to choose from 38 topics of interest. After completing their training, students applied their skills to develop a prototype of a product or service. Students were trained on November 12 and 13. Talent demos and a project exhibition were held on November 14. Participants were aided along with mentors while they worked on a design. The top five teams received certificates and cash prizes.
12th, 13th & 14th November 2019
Dayananda Sagar University,
Innovation Campus
Hosur Road, Kudlu Gate
Contact Details:
Phone: +91 80 42161759
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Talent Search Brochure
Talent Search Application Form
Faculty Development Application Form
Free CET Coaching Application Form Continuing Education to Faculty Application Form