Faculty Name: |
Designation : |
Associate Professor |
Experience in Years: |
19 yrs |
Area of Interest: |
Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Pharmacoloical study of herbal drugs; Nutraceuticals; Herbal cosmetics; Herbal Formulation |
Email Id: |
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Dr. P. SivakamiSundari started her teaching career in 2001 as lecturer in CNK Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bangalore. She holds Ph.D in Pharmacognosy from The Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu in 2014. She has appointed as lecturer, Dayananda Sagar College of Pharmacy, Bangalore in 2002 and promoted as Assistant Professor in November 2006.She Guided as Co-guide for 2 PG students in Natural Product Chemistry. She received Research grant from RGUHS.
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Research grant from RGUHS for the Year 2015-16.
International/ National Publications
- Iswar Hazarika, K.M. Geetha, P. Sivakami Sundari, Divya madhu. Acute oral toxicity evaluation of extracts of Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides in wister albino rats as per OECD 425 TG.Toxicology Reports. 2019(6) 321-328.
- M. Sennappan, P. Murali Krishna, R. Ranganathan, P. Sivakami sundari. Synthesis, characterization, nucleic acid interaction and photoluminescence properties of (E)-(2-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)hydrazinyl)(pyridine-4-yl)methaniminium Mn(II), Co (II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2019. 86-91.
- P. Sivakami sundari, Shanaz Banu, Vimal John Samuel, N. Dhanashree. Phenolic content and antidiarrhoeal activity of hydro alcoholic Gauzuma ulmifolia seed extract. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2019; 10(2): 1-5.
- P. Sivakami sundari, Shanaz Banu, V. Murugan, N. Dhanashree. GC MS/MS Analysis of bioactive compounds in alcoholic seed extract of Gauzuma ulmifolia Lam Pharmacogn J. 2018; 10(1):194-197.
- Sushma S Murthy, Sharath, SujanGananpathy P.S., Sivakamisundari P, Preetham J. Pharmacognsotical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Curcuma angustifolia roxb.
- (Rhizome) Indigenous Ethno-Medicinal Plant used by Tribal Soliga Community of Biligirirangana Hills. Ijppr. 2015. 7(4): 820-24.
- Preetham J, Kiran S, Sharath R, , Sivakamisundari P, Sujan Ganapathy, Sushma S Murthy. Pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical studies of Gnetum ula Brongn. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2015. 6(6): 377-81.
- Kumari S, Talkad MS, Chowdhary C, Kavya S, Parvathi C, Javed A, Umesh HR, Sivakami sundari P. Therapeutic response of Mimosa pudica in oxidative stress induced by ischemic reperfusion injury on rat heart. Int J Med Plants. Photon.2014. 107, 572-579.
- Sandhyavali MS, Sivakami sundari P, Pannu Sharma, Murugan V. Phytochemical studies on the aerial parts of Indigofera linnaei. Pharmacophore.2014. 5(1), 94- 97.
- Sandhyavali MS Sivakami sundari P Pannu Sharma. Phytochemical screening, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of Indigofera linnaei. RGUHS J Pharm Sci.2012. 2(3), 100- 106.
- Sandhyavali MS, Sivakami sundari P, Prabhakar Bhavikatti. Isolation and Chemical Characterization of Essential oil of Sassurea simpsoinana. RGUHS J Pharm Sci. 2011. 1(3), 239- 242.
- Alagarsamy V, Venket NR, Thangathirupathy A, Sivakami sundari P, Jubie S, Syed Ali ALS, Suresh M. Antiinflammatory activity of Dodonaea viscose Linn leaf extracts. Indian drugs. 2007. 44(7): 559-560.
- Akiladeswari S, Sivakamisundari P, Ganesan S. Anti-ulcer activity of Elephantopus scaber.Linn. Ad. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2001.2(2): 39-40.
Paper presented in National / International Conferences :
- Aqueous extract of Hydocotyl sibthorpiodes prevents Glutamate induced Excito- Toxic brain damage in rat by scavenging oxygen free radicals in brain in the scientific poster session of Current Trends in Bioavailability and Bioequivalence studies held at JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru on 12th & 13th, April, 2018.
- Chemical Composition and Antidiarrhoeal activity of seeds of Gauzuma ulmifolia lam in the scientific poster session of the Indian Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s 1st Pharmaceutical Science Congress-2017 held at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru on 18th & 19th March, 2017.
- Evaluation of Antihyperlipedimic activity of essential oil Sassureasimpsoniana at JSS University, Mysuru in International Training Workshop on Herbal Medicine: Drug Discovery From Herbs – Approaches, Innovations and Applications during 30th-31st March, 2015.
- Pharmacognostical study on Fimbristylis tetragona and composition of its essential oil presented at ICCSEM 2013 at DSI, Bangalore during 26th and 27th September 2013.
- Formulation development of Cyperusiria oil and its antimicrobial activity in International Conference on Biologically Active Molecules, 2012 held during 8- 10th March 2012 at Gandhigram , Tamil Nadu.
- In vivohypolipidemic activity of Saussureasimposoniana essential oil in wister albino rats by Triton WR-1339 method presented in 12th International Congress of Ethnopharmacology-ISE held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata on 17-19th Feb 2012.
- Pharmacognostical and antimicrobial studies of Cyperuscompresus in 63rd IPC held at Bangalore International Exhibition centre during 16th- 18th Dec 2011.
- In vitro cytotoxicity study and chemical composition of Heracleumrigens oil in 15th Annual Conference & First International Convention of Society of Pharmacognosy held at KLE University’s College of Pharmacy, Belgaum, Karnataka, from 18th to 20th Feb 2011.
- DNA binding assay and cytotoxic studies of leaves of benzene extract of Blepharismaderaspatensis Linn. Presented in “International Seminar on Herbal Drug Research: Present and Future Prospects” held at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund on 4&5th December 2009.
- Wound healing activity of leaf of Elephantopusscaberlinn presented in National Symposium on “Phyto Pharmaceuticals-In the Indian Scenario” held at Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Girls, Tiruchirapalli-21 on January5-6,2007.
- Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activity of dried leaves extract of Saphindustrifoliatuslinn , presented in Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Hyderabad, 1st -3rd Dec 2000.
- A Study of Hypoglycemic effect of “KathakaKadhiradiKasayam” in Alloxan diabetic rats, presented in the International Conference on Unani System of Medicine Organized by Niamath Science Academy held at Chennai on 28-29th October 2000.
- Effect on Gastric motility for aqueous extract of 100 year bark of Azadirachtaindica presented in the International Conference on Unani System of Medicine Organized by Niamath Science Academy held at Chennai on 28-29th October 2000.