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EMBA Clubs

# CLUB Professor
1 Acura - Entrepreneurship Club Dr. Shwetha Tewari
2 Case Study Club Dr. Abhijit Chakraborty
3 Helios - Energy, Environment & Sustainability Club Dr. Sagar Manjunath
4 Infotix - Business Analyst Club Dr. Padmalatha
5 Artha Gnyāna - Economics Club Dr. Sagar Manjunath
6 Movie Club Prof. Sanjay K
7 Quriosity - Strategy, Marketing and Research Dr. S Sai Ganesh
8 Thursday Club - Industry leaders Prof. Mohan Srinivasan
9 Vriddhi (Fintech Club) Dr. Nisha Goyal 
Prof. Jayshree
10 Yukti - HR Club Dr. Pavithra Salanke
11 Prabhāva - Social Outreach Club Dr. Sagar Manjunath and Dr. Shweta Tewari
12 Challenger - Sports Club Dr. Suresh R


Puzzle Huddle

Fintelligent 2022

Vriddhi – The Fintech club conducted a Finance event, FINTELLIGENT 2022 on Dec. 16, 2022 as an advent of finding the best finance minds, and also to give an experience on finance concepts apart from regular syllabus. 2022’s FINTELLIGENT was a one-day event honoring the winners and also all participants getting certificate of performance.

Technical Analysis workshop

The workshop on Technical Analysis of Equities and Derivatives-2 was conducted on Jan. 4, 2023 by Finance club-Vriddhi which provides the details on Charting tools, and Candlestick pattern of equities and derivatives.

Quiz Competition

Best Practices in Cross-cultural collaboration in Indo-European companies under the aegis of Thursday Club

School of commerce and management studies, Post graduate programs in Management is coming up with a Session on "Best Practices in Cross-cultural collaboration in Indo-European companies" by Mr Vivek Khanna, Founder and Managing Director of Indic EMS Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
The Thursday Club aims to develop students to build connections, develop confidence to talk and learn operational work (Using MS Excel, PPT, Word etc, Google apps)
The resource person is Prof. Mohan Srinivasan.

What if Central Banks issued Digital Currency?

Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP), is coming up with yet another Case Study discussion this month for its privileged members.
Club members will have an intense discussion on:
Case#7 - An Article by Ajay S Mookerjee on "What if Central Banks issued Digital Currency?"
Strictly for members alone.
Annual registration fees: Only INR 200
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/CaseStudyClubReg


Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP) Presents:

Sports Activities among MBA and EMBA Students - 2022
Sports activities at SCMS-PG, Dayananda Sagar University is an essential part of a student’s life. Sports activities boosts students' mental health and also helps them learn to maintain a balance between their curricular and co-curricular activities. It enables them to be emotionally strong as sports lets them experience various emotions like success, failure, happiness, disappointment, etc.. Sports not only contributes to shaping their personality but also impacts their academic performance significantly. There have been many studies proving that students involved in sports during their college life perform better in academics. Reasons for this can be many, as sport imparts them with the skills of time management and also acts as a stress buster when they are loaded with too many assignments and deadlines. Students need a break from their daily routine to ensure that they have stable mental health. Sports activities are productive breaks that enhance students’ capacity to think, learn, focus, and contribute to academics.

Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the World with more than millions of active players worldwide. Whether it’s playing or watching; people have always appreciated this sport due to its shuttlecock networking, presence of mind and furious attacks. Playing Badminton has many benefits for health too. Sports helps students develop their various interpersonal skills such as patience, communication, leadership, punctuality, accountability, teamwork, trust, and others which will in turn help them not only to win a particular sports competition but also grow and achieve success in their lives.
School of Commerce and Management – PG, Dayananda Sagar University always aims at providing excellent infrastructure to our students. We believe in the holistic development of students, by encouraging a balance between curricular and co-curricular activities that includes sports activities too.


Yukti Club Presents the Jargon Festival. Jargon is the complex language used by experts in a certain discipline or field. This language often helps experts communicate with clarity and precision.
Yukti Club would be discussing HR Jargons on 18th August 2022.
Club Coordinator is : Dr. Pavithra Salanke

Technical Analysis of Equities and Derivatives

School of commerce and management studies, Post graduate programs in management is coming up with a workshop on "Technical Analysis of Equities and Derivatives"
The resource person is Prof. Sai Praveen. The session is being conducted under the aegis of Vriddhi Club.

How to Analyze a Case Study?

Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP), is coming up with a session on "How to Analyze a Case Study?" this month for our MBA Students.
Club members will have an intense discussion on:
- How to decode a case study?
- What are the learnings?
- Discussion of 2 case studies in the class.
The fundamental ethos of an MBA program is to develop problem solving and decision making skills in our students.

Sustainable Development Goals

Helios Club proudly presents Mr. Anbunathan, Director and FOunder of Deepwoods Green Initiaitves who is going to address our students and faculty on Sustainable Development Goals.
Save your calendars for 03-Jun at 07:00 PM for an immersive session.
This topic is even more pertinent given the times that we are living in right now.
This Session is Open for everyone.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/5516619991
Meeting ID: 551 661 9991

Case # 5 - Ferdinand Magellan

Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP), is coming up with yet another Case Study discussion this month for its privileged members.
Club members will have an intense discussion on:
"Case # 5 - Ferdinand Magellan - Chase your dreams through passion and Endurance (A story of relentless perseverance towards achieving impossible goals)"
Strictly for members alone.
Annual registration fees: Only INR 200
Link to register for the club: https://lnkd.in/gha6x5xi

Empowering Women

PFB the creative:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 8, 2022 09:00 AM India
Topic: Empowering Women: A Tryst with stock Market Panel:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Empowering Women: A Tryst with Stock Market

WE, Team Vriddhi at Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP) are all excited and enthusiastic as we Welcome Ms SMITHA SUDHEENDRA maam as our chief guest for the inauguration of "Empowering Women: A Tryst with Stock Market" on 8th of March 2022 at 9.30 AM.
Have you registered for the event yet? if no, please do register here and now!
Register Here
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 8, 2022 09:00 AM India Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://lnkd.in/gfAp2Vp8
All are welcome!
Please do join us for the wonderful learning opportunity and we repeat, Never stop learning as life never stops teaching!

"CASE # 3 - Anamika Mobiles

Dayananda Sagar University - School of Commerce & Management Studies (PGP), is coming up with yet another Case Study discussion for its privileged members.
Club members will have an intense discussion on "CASE # 3 - Anamika Mobiles
Strictly for members alone.

Annual registration fees: Only INR 200
Link to register for the club: https://lnkd.in/gha6x5xi

Renewable Energy & Mankind’s Future

The world is undergoing a transformation in how it gets its power. In Germany, they have a word for it: Energiewende. It means energy turning point. In this transformation, we are witnessing the decarbonization of power consumption, thanks to the large-scale deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Besides the environmental benefits, there are huge implications for the manufacturing sector and for national competitiveness. Countries that manage to transition effectively to low- carbon generation technologies will be home to competitive energy solutions and manufacturing firms that are more resilient to energy shocks and weather disruptions. Countries in the first phase, which we call “Energiewende 1.0,” focus on promoting renewable energies, such as solar, wind, biomass, or geothermal energy. India is at this stage of its journey in becoming an energy self-sufficient nation. The Energy Club Helios aims to develop in students a keen understanding of the importance of energy sustainability and business opportunities in this sector through various activities.
For more information, please contact the Club President, Prof.Ramesh Murthy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Learning from Cases: A fresh perspective

The events of the recent past have shown us that the only certainty of life is uncertainty. The Novel Corona Virus has both disrupted life for many as well as thrown up opportunities that we were not sure existed a while ago.
The Case Study Club at SCMS(PG) is open to management students and a new addition to the gamut of clubs and is the only club open to the student community at large and has an overarching goal of creating managers who are great problem solvers and decision makers. These are fundamental competencies for managerial excellence.
Case analysis is an effective tool for teaching, learning, and most importantly, practising the art and science of management. The case method immerses students in real-life situations, allowing them to develop their business skills by analyzing realistic situations, applying business theories and tools, and making substantiated recommendations for a course of action. However, working with cases is a pedagogical approach that is unfamiliar to most new business students and often inadequately understood by advanced students. The club aims to address some of these issues.
Case-Studies will be sourced from the top ten Business Schools in the world which includes Harvard Business School, MIT-Sloan, Stanford University and INSEAD, France.
Contact the President of the club, Dr. Truptha Shankar for more details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entrepreneurship: Can it be taught in a class room?

As the pandemic reshapes entire industries, the need for agile entrepreneurs have never been more urgent. But traditional business education isn’t always optimized for preparing the next generation of leaders for an uncertain, rapidly changing world. At SCMS we have pioneered new teaching models designed to teach entrepreneurship more effectively by focusing on “effectuation,” or leveraging existing resources to take action.
Club Acura, the Entrepreneurship Club, has pioneered the Jade - Krishnamurthy Business Plan Competition where students are encouraged to ideate and present actionable business ideas and plans to a jury. The competition carries a prize money of INR 100000/- and is supported by industry and entrepreneurs’ from abroad.
For many entrepreneurship is the final work frontier where you test your wits against the environment and competitors. The club introduces its members to mentors who are seasoned entrepreneurs’.
For further details contact the club president, Dr. Shweta Tewari : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stay Hungry, Stay Strategic: The Quriosity Club

"Business model" was one of the great buzzwords of the Internet boom. A company didn't need a strategy, a special competence, or even any customers--all it needed was a web-based business model that promised wild profits in some distant, ill-defined future. Many people, investors, entrepreneurs, and executives alike--fell for the fantasy and got burned. A good business model remains essential to every successful organization, whether it's a new venture or an established player. Business models are, at heart, stories that explain how enterprises work. Like a good story, a robust business model contains precisely delineated characters, plausible motivations, and a plot that turns on an insight about value. It answers certain questions: Who is the customer? How do we make money? What underlying economic logic explains how we can deliver value to customers at an appropriate cost? Every viable organization is built on a sound business model, but a business model needs to be driven by a strategy, even though many people use the terms interchangeably. Business models describe, as a system, how the pieces of a business fit together. But they don't factor in one critical dimension of performance: competition. That's the job of strategy.
The Quriosity Club delves into business, strategy, execution and marketing.
For more details contact the Club President, Prof. V.V. Rajan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Future of Finance: FINTECH

Financial technology (Fintech) is used to describe new tech that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. At its core, fintech is utilized to help companies, business owners and consumers better manage their financial operations, processes, and lives by utilizing specialized software and algorithms that are used on computers and, increasingly, smartphones. Fintech, the word, is a combination of "financial technology".
When fintech emerged in the 21st Century, the term was initially applied to the technology employed at the back-end systems of established financial institutions. Since then, however, there has been a shift to more consumer-oriented definition. Fintech now includes different sectors and industries such as education, retail banking, fundraising and non-profit, and investment management to name a few.
The club Vriddhi allows students to explore advances in the area of Finance and Fintech which are fundamental to commerce and business.
For further details contact the club president, Dr. Shylaja HN: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sports: The road to character

For a long time, sports have been viewed as a way to stay healthy and in shape, but their importance goes much further. As a matter of fact, playing sports teaches life lessons like discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, accountability, and teamwork.
From a social standpoint, sports are a powerful tool that brings people together and creates a sense of community. They develop connections that bond together people from all walks of life.
The Sports Club, Challenger also plans Boot-Camps and out-door activities for students preparing them for a world of collaboration and networking. These boot-camps are based on strategic games allowing students to develop situational leadership skills.
For more details contact the Club President, Dr. Suresh R, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yukti: The Human Resources Club: Driving Change

The Coronavirus has drastically reshaped the economy and the labour force. Since its rapid spread around the globe, we have experienced titanic shifts in how we work, where we work, and the technologies we use to stay connected. Such massive change is escalating the importance of HR’s role within organizations. Workers are turning to their managers and their HR leaders, in particular, for guidance on how to navigate their “new normal” — research indicates that 73% of workers depend on their employer for support in preparing for the future of work. We believe this is HR’s moment to lead organizations in navigating the future. They have a tremendous opportunity, and responsibility, to provide workers with guidance on the skills and capabilities they will need to be successful over the next decade as new roles continue to emerge.
Yukti the Human Resource Club plays an important role in driving HR learning through events, exercises, new paradigms in the digital age and competitions.
The club President is Dr. Shweta Tewari and she can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Business Analyst Club: Using Data to Drive Decisions

Many organizations are investing billions of dollars in analytics with minimal return — hardly a recipe for success. Oftentimes, this disconnect stems not from faulty data science, but from an organization’s failure to consider the activation-readiness of their approaches to real-world applications of analytics. For many organizations, activation, or the art of leveraging data to do something meaningfully different in the market, is the missing piece that bridges the divide between insight and business value. While most mature organizations understand how to leverage analytics for knowledge discovery, far too few are able to consistently aim this discovery in the right direction. This results in undeniably impressive analytics that are functionally useless. The club aims to integrate domain expertise with analytics, analysis, decision making and also use of tools, like Dataiku, UIPath and Tableau, in driving problem solving methods.
For further details please contact the Club President, Prof. Alok Chakravarty, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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    E-mail: admissions@dsu.edu.in

  • DSU City Innovation Campus:
  • Administrative & Main Admission office,
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    Bengaluru - 560 068
    Admissions Helpline: 080 46461800 / 080 49092800
    E-mail: admissions@dsu.edu.in | dsat@dsu.edu.in
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    Office of Dean (Engineering): +91 80 4909 2986 / 32 / 33
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    Enquiry EMBA: 080 4909 2930
    Research Cell: 080 4909 2912

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    Admissions Helpline: 080 46461800 / 080 49092800
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