Training and Development

Manangement Development Program
The Future of Work is impacted by five drivers that are going to affect how we view the work world. India's New Labour Code attempts to encompass these changes through legislation.
- Accelerating Technological Change
- Growing Demand for Skills
- Shifting Labour Demographics
- Transitioning Work Models
- Evolving Business Environment
Dayananda Sagar University, SCMS conducted a one-day MDP on the New Labour Code, on Saturday, November 04, 2023 and driven by our faculty Dr.Solai Baskaran,Ph.D(IIT, Delhi) and managed by Dr.SaiGanesh Somasekaran, for working professionals from the industry.
The four new labour codes – Code on Social Security 2020, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code 2020, Industrial Relations Code 2020, and Code on Wages 2019 – will subsume 29 central labour and industrial laws.
These programs are significant and a need of the hour to reflect the changing times we live in and the new paradigms of work!

Professor Nagaraj Rao and Professor Sanjay K intercated with the future leadership of Jaro Education at Lonavala, Maharashtra over two day's, Oct 17 and Oct 18 in taking them through two case studies on Strategic Leadership and Business Strategy.
The professors took over a hundred participants through two nuanced cases-studies:
Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance ( HBS )
The case Provides an opportunity to examine leadership and entrepreneurship in the context of Ernest Shackleton's 1914 Antarctic expedition, a compelling story of crisis, survival, and triumph. Summarizes Shackleton's career as an officer in the British Merchant Marine, his work on several prominent Antarctic missions, and the competitive nature of polar exploration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Also examines Shackleton's planning and advance management of what he hoped would be the first-ever trek across the Antarctic continent. Details the events of this epic voyage aboard the Endurance. Readers have the opportunity to examine how, after the vessel became trapped in ice and the crew abandoned ship, the commander shifted his objectives and responsibilities from completing an historic march to ensuring the survival of all 28 expedition members. Considers Shackleton's efforts to maintain his team's morale, loyalty, and commitment in the face of extraordinary mental and physical trials during almost two years in the Antarctic.
The Rise and Fall of Blackberry (ASU/Thunderbird)
The launch of BlackBerry by Research in Motion (RIM) in 1999 laid the foundation for the development of smartphones. The next decade was a period of spectacular growth for RIM, making its two co-CEOs billionaires. At the end of 2007 the company had a market capitalization of more than $60 billion. Sales peaked at almost $20 billion in 2011. In 2016, sales were $2.2 billion and the company had lost money for four straight years. With the market capitalization having fallen to $4 billion by August 2016, the survival of BlackBerry (the company changed its name from RIM to BlackBerry) was uncertain.
Bloom's Taxonomy
Dayananda Sagar University, School of Commerce & Management Studies is conducting an FDP for faculty on Understanding Bloom's Taxonomy (Overview and how to use it)
Bloom’s Taxonomy questions are a great way to build and design curriculum and lesson plans. They encourage the development of higher-order thinking and encourage students to engage in metacognition by thinking and reflecting on their own learning.